

張詠菡 副教授
張詠菡 副教授


1. Chang, Y. H. 2023. Housing transitions of Taiwanese young adults: intersections of the parental home and housing pathways. Housing Studies, 38(6), 1027-1049. (SSCI, IF=3.516)
2. 張詠菡,2023。用人唯才到反求諸己:科技職場的平等論述。區域與社會發展研究,(13):89-114。
3. 張詠菡,2022。臺灣中高齡人口與子女同住的年齡、時期、世代變化。人口學刊,(64):101-156。(TSSCI)
4. Hsu, T. H., Her, S. T., Chang, Y. H., & Hou, J. J. 2021. The Application of an Innovative Marketing Strategy MADM Model—SIVA-Need: A Case Study of Apple Company. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 13(1), 33-68.
5. 張詠菡,2019。臺灣青壯年人口的居住轉換序列分析。人口學刊,(58):39-87。(TSSCI)
6. 張詠菡,2018。資訊科技職場女性工作處境:以女性程式設計師為例。逢甲人文社會學報,37,115-150。
7. 張詠菡,2018。影響臺灣青年人口居住型態之價值觀因素。住宅學報,27(2),1-37。(TSSCI)。
8. Chang, Y. H., 2015, Childcare Needs and Household Composition: Is Household Extension a Way of Seeking Childcare Support? Chinese Sociological Review, 47(4), 343-366. (SSCI).
9. 張詠菡,2015,網路人際互動的連線與斷線,康大學報,5,35-53。
10. Chang, Y. H., 2014, Transformation of Household Composition in Taiwan between 1990 and 2010, Journal of University of Kang Ning, 4, 111-133.
1. 周貞秀、張詠菡,2022,運用靈性關懷對重症病人及家屬的影響,發表於2022靈性關懷國際研討會,台北:台北醫學大學,2022-12-03~2022-12-04。(獲論文鉑金獎)
2. Chou, C. H. & Chang, Y. H. 2021. “The effect of Spiritual Care on Critically-Ill Patients and Their Families”, paper presented at 14th Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Conference (APHC), Japan, 2021-11-13~2021-11-14.
3. 張詠菡,2021,疫情下在家遠端工作模式的工作與照顧衝突,發表於2021台灣社會研究學會年會,台中:東海大學:2021-10-30。
4. Chang, Y. H. 2021. “Women’s career trajectories in STEM: a life course perspective”, paper presented at The 15th conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Barcelona, 2021-08-31~2021-09-03. (MOST 108-2629-E-426-001.)
5. Chang, Y. H. 2021. “Elderly Care Arrangements and Long-Term Care 2.0 in Taiwan”, paper presented at The Forum of Long-Term Care in 2021, Kaohsiung, 2021-06-24~2021-06-25.
6. 張詠菡,2019,從高齡者的居住選擇態度檢視青銀共居的可能性,發表於2019台灣社會研究學會年會,高雄:高雄師範大學,2019-10-27。
7. Chang, Y. H. 2019. “Housing Transitions of Taiwanese Young Adults”, paper presented at The 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Manchester, UK, 2019-08-20~2019-08-23
8. 張詠菡,2018,台南地區民眾對社區整體照顧模式之服務使用調查,發表於2018台灣社會研究學會年會,新竹:交通大學客家文化學院,2018-10-13。
9. Chang, Y. H. 2017. “Gender Segregation and Patriarchal Culture in the IT Industry in Taiwan”, paper presented at 2017 International Conference on Gender in Science & Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: National Sun Yat-Sen University, 2017-10-27~2017-10-29.
10. Chang, Y. H. 2017. “Gender Imbalance in IT Sector: The Case of Taiwan”, paper presented at The 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Athens, Greece: HAROKOPIO University, 2017-08-29~2017-09-01
11. Chang, Y. H., 2016, “Connection and Disconnection of Social Networking in the Internet”, paper presented at The 4th International Conference on Social Science and Management, Osaka, Japan: Osaka International Convention Center, 2016-05-10~2016-05-12.
12. Chang, Y. H., 2015, “Housing Pathways of Young People and the Changing Concepts of Family”, paper presented at The 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Prague, Czech Republic: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2015-08-25~2015-08-28.
13. Lee, H. J. & Yung Han Chang, 2015, “Music Therapy in Palliative Care: A Case Study of the Palliative Ward in a Teaching Hospital in Southern Taiwan”, paper presented at The 11th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference, Taipei, Taiwan: Taipei International Convention Center, 2015-04-30~2015-05-03.
14. Chang, Y. H., 2015, “What is a good death? A social analysis of perceptions of a good death in Taiwan” , paper presented at The 11th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference, Taipei, Taiwan: Taipei International Convention Center, 2015-04-30~2015-05-03.
1. 張詠菡(2021)。從性別觀點檢視資訊科技業的「公」程師(brogrammer)文化。收錄於蔡麗玲主編(2021)哇!原來這是性別與科技。高雄:巨流圖書股份有限公司。
1. 張詠菡(計畫主持人),《老有所用:從生命鏈結原則出發檢視中高齡人口的生產性活動參與》,2023/08/01-2025/07/31,國科會112年專題研究計畫(二年期)。
2. 張詠菡(計畫主持人),《臺灣電子資訊職場的性別化過程:一個歷史視角分析》,2021/08/01-2023/07/31,科技部110年性別與科技研究計畫。
3. 張詠菡(計畫主持人),《代間同住之世代序列分析》,2020/08/01-2021/07/31,科技部109年專題研究計畫。
4. 張詠菡(計畫主持人),《以生命歷程觀點檢視資訊科技業女性的職業發展》,2019/08/01-2020/07/31,科技部108年性別與科技研究計畫。
5. 張詠菡(計畫主持人),《台灣資訊科技業性別區隔現象與重男輕女文化研究》,2016/08/01-2017/11/30,科技部105年性別與科技研究計畫。